It’s a New Year Now What?


Happy New Year guys 🙂 !!! I am super excited 2014 is over. I must say that last year went pretty fast and it had its moments. Lots of terrible things happened last year. For example, the Malaysian plane got missing, the South Korean ship carrying students sank, there was the Ebola crisis, more than 200 Chibok girls from my country Nigeria, were abducted, the ISIS killings, the teenage boys who were killed by police officers and so on. But hey, you are reading this post which proves that you made it through 2014 alive. Lots of people lost their houses, jobs, families and even their lives. Reflecting back at the year and all the obstacles we overcame, today is worth celebrating.

Although there may be some burdens from last year that are brought into this 2015, there is always hope. This New Year is a fresh start, a clean slate and a new beginning. The best way to enjoy this New Year is to fill your mind with OPTIMISM.

Be optimistic like the poop :)

Be optimistic like the poop 🙂

So I urge you all for this New Year, do not worry that you haven’t gotten that dream job yet, do not worry that you haven’t gotten married nor bore a child, do not worry that you haven’t gotten into college yet, do not worry that this biased society does not accept you because of your sexual orientation but always think of the brighter side like the poop in the picture :). This life is full of obstacles and it is your ability to overcome them that matters.

Today appreciate what you have in your life and be thankful no matter how little. Celebrate because you have a house to rest your head, celebrate because you have kids and/or a husband that loves you, celebrate that you and your family are hale and hearty, celebrate that you have a job even if you are paid the minimum wage. So today binge watch your favorite TV show, dance with your family, eat till you can’t breathe, drink your favorite wine, donate to charity but most importantly be thankful

I hope you drew one or two inspirations from today’s blog and please share with friends and family. Once again have a happy New Year. Cheers xx.

PHOTO CREDIT : Mommifried / Artsyletters

One response to “It’s a New Year Now What?

  1. Happy New year pumpkin


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